Wednesday, 27 March 2013

A Legacy inTime

At the board meeting of a charity of which I am a trustee, we signed off the accounts this week for the last financial year. Our Finance Director had been expecting a deficit and had been resigned to having to dip into reserves by a small amount, when we had been hoping to break even.
Just before the financial year closed, however, we were notified of a residuary legacy from a generous supporter, which saved the day. At £36,500 it was a very welcome donation and made all the difference to the accounts – proof again (as if we needed it) of the value of legacies and legacy marketing. In essence, we can’t plan the timing of legacies but if we put in the effort, the legacies will certainly come through.
As a Christian organisation, the charity concerned sees divine timing in this but I am also reminded of the Arab saying “Trust God and tether your camel” – in other words, providence may influence the legacies we receive, but we also need to do our bit, by reminding our supporters regularly that legacies are vital to our work.
So don't put off your next legacy actions. One day you (or your successor) will be glad that you "remembered to tether your camel".

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