To help charities like these, there is a very simple formula, which I call the 3 P's, consisting of:
- People
- Proposition
- Promotional channels
You can start by identifying the audiences or people that you will be targetting with your legacy message. List all the different groups (e.g. donors, members, beneficiaries, volunteers, trustees etc), then put numbers next to them. You'll probably be surprised just how many people you can reach!
Secondly, think carefully about the message or proposition you will use. Why should anyone leave a legacy to your cause? What is different or special about what you do? Try to come up with a compelling message which sums up the difference you could make with somebody's legacy. Then test this in a group which is representative of your target audiences.
Finally, you need to identify the ways you will get your message across. Chances are you already communicate with people in various ways (such as newsletter, website, displays, events etc). You don't need to reinvent the wheel and by integrating legacy messages into existing activities, you can save time and money on your campaign, although it will probably pay to develop some legacy specific materials.
So by following these three simple steps, most charities can make a start in legacy fundraising, without spending a fortune. It really can be a straightforward thing to do, so put it on your priority list today. It will be one of the best investments of time and money you will ever make for your organisation!
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